Friday, October 14, 2011

Project Runway Season 9 Recaps: Episode 12--The Almost-Halloween Edition!!

Time for my Recap!!!

Last week
, I wrote--about Anya Ayoung-Chee, Joshua McKinley and Viktor Luna--three of this season's Project Runway designers--and how their whole "interaction" and "She Can't Sew But We Can!" drama was like a Project Runway version of Cinderella and her Evil Stepsisters. I dubbed Anya, Cind-Anya-rella:

And Joshua and Viktor...the "Construction Stepsisters":

I know! I LOVE that image of the Cartoon version of the "Cinderella" Stepsisters. Genius. I think that Joshua is the one on the right and Viktor, the black-haired one on the left! As we head toward these final challenges of the season--when it really is getting down to the VERY HIGH STRESS wire--both Joshua and Viktor have been on the "It's NOT FAIR that Anya keeps winning" bandwagon. There has been much kvetching about how she "can't sew" and sometimes even forgets to put a zipper in her dress(!). Hence the name, the "Construction Stepsisters"!

Di Suvero Posing: Project Runway Designers at Governors Island, NYC

But enough of the fairytale--let's get to this week's episode: The designers had to take a ferry to Governors Island in NYC. The Challenge was to create 3 Looks inspired by the island, the art/sculptures and/or the landscape/architecture, on the island.

I was struck by WHAT THEY WORE to this trip. And why did they all look as if they were on their way to a tacky gay nightclub in Atlantic City (see above)? Moving on...

The Fashion:

Anya Ayoung-Chee: Yes, Cind-Anya-rella--"won"--well, she was the first one picked by the judges to move on to show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The judges LOVED her mini-collection of three "intellectually" sophisticated looks. To me, they actually looked very "Bert Keeter" (one of her fellow contestants and her "assistant" on this challenge).

Take a look at one of Anya's looks from last night (left) and one of Bert's from when he showed at the Project Runway Finale at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Show. In case you are not that much of a Project Runway fan and don't know: NINE of the contestants got to show at NY Fashion Week. Look it up...anyway, I don't doubt that these were Anya's designs but when they were turned over to Bert to "assist" with the patternmaking and construction, they suddenly looked liked something he would design. Kudos to her for realizing they made a great team and utilizing his talent.

And now, the "Construction Stepsisters":

Viktor Luna: I loved his mini-collection. Very polished. And yes, very sellable. However, in terms of a "Runway Fashion Scale": About a 6/10. But, well done. Especially that leather cascade front jacket look in the middle. If this was the "Banana Republic Challenge": A WINNER!!!!!

Joshua McKinley: Above were his 3 Mini-Collection looks--(Oh Dear!)

Mean Girls Cheerleader: One of the looks made the model look really THICK (poor thang) and it was very "Mean Girls", which is very apropos. I think individually, the pieces are great and contemporary but together...not so mucheeeyyyy.

And then there was this above. He used a silver Lurex fabric and tried to create a draped gown. It ended up looking very "Statue of Liberty"/Toga Halloween costume.

Kimberly Goldson: I liked the colors--very NOW! But those HIP-enhancing skirts? I appreciate the askew-cowl-and-pleated draping. LOVE. I just don't know if she should continue placing these drapes right in the area a woman DOES NOT--under any circumstances--want any extra "stuff". It's also funny how in the above photo she almost fits into the mini collection! She should incorporated the pants she is wearing in one of the models outfits!

Laura Kathleen: It was the self-professed "St. Louis Princess", designer/contestant Laura Kathleen who unfortunately, got the boot this week. She was OBSESSED with this circle fabric she found at Mood (because she was inspired by circle shapes on Governors Island) and she decided (against Monsieur Gunn's objections) to go CIRCLE KRAZEE. But it wasn't the circle looks that did her "OUT". It was:

This hastily put-together dress (the one on the right, in case you are confused), which made the judges go "Uh, no". Let's start with the iridescent organza-like fabrication. Then , the bad side-breast fit. And well, it also looked like a bad "Toga Girl" costume for Halloween. PS: What. Is. Up. With. All. The. Halloween. Costume. References? Very timely. And I have to say, I kinda like the tacky dress on the left better...The tacki-licious black shoes and even TACKIER bra-strap tan line, is what REALLY makes it!!!

OK, enough for now--Here's my Recap of this week's Project Runway Episode:

Cind-Anya-rella and Her Two Construction Stepsister

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: “Cind-Anya-rella and her Construction Stepsisters.” Starring “Cind-Anya-rella” – the former beauty queen who just learned how to sew; her two “Construction Stepsisters,” Viktor and Joshua; and finally, the two supporting “Design Damsels,” Kimberly and Laura. How will this movie end? Stay tuned …

Boxers and Pumps
As the episode begins we are told that it is the final challenge, the outcome of which decides who will show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The five remaining designers head out for a ferry trip to Governors Island. Kimberly is wearing her highest pumps, while Anya is sporting a pair of fur Uggs (?) and Joshua, bless his little heart, is wearing printed boxer shorts and combat boots! In those getups, did they think they were going to a gay club in Atlantic City? Anyhow, Tim Gunn is there, along with Leslie Koch, president of The Trust for Governors Island, and John Stern, president of the Storm King Art Center.

What, No Standard Hotel Rooftop Pool Bar at Governors Island?
Gunn announces the final challenge: to create three looks that show a “range” (meaning a dress, pants outfit, a skirt ensemble, etc.) inspired by the island, its landscape, architecture and/or the fabulous Mark di Suvero sculptures on the island. They have two days and a $500 budget (Lordy!). After 30 minutes exploring the island, Joshua realizes that there is no Standard Hotel with a Rooftop Pool, so he ends up going to a church for his inspiration. Kimberly decides to be motivated by one of the di Suvero sculptures, entitled “New Beginning.” Anya is drawn to the positive/negative spaces of the artwork. Laura is inspired by circles. And Viktor likes the juxtaposition of the NYC metropolis vs. the island’s scenery...

To read the rest...CLICK HERE!!

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