Monday, October 3, 2011

Nick Verreos Hosts Style Week OC 2011--Opening Night Rack Rave Party at the Irvine Spectrum: The Recap!!!

Style Week OC 2011 Opening Night Party: Fashion, Candy, Prizes, and a BLOG CRUSH!

On The OC Big Screen: Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave Opening Night Party, Irvine Spectrum Center

This past Friday night I had the honor of hosting the Opening Night of the Fourth Annual Style Week Orange County at the Irvine Spectrum Center in Irvine, California. Last year, as you may know, I showed my NIKOLAKI Collection--along with my design partner David Paul--and it was a HUGE success, so I was happy to return. Style Week OC 2011 is going on all THIS WEEK with TEN can't-miss events including 3 Spectrum Runway Presentations, 5 Fashion Island fashion shows--including collection showings and appearances by designers David Meister and Rachel Roy as well as many, many other events. This past Friday night was the Opening Night Rack Rave Party which yours truly, was hosting.

Color Happy: Nick Verreos hosting Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave, Irvine Spectrum (Photo Courtesy of "Blog Crush")

After a rather traffic-free drive from Los Angeles to the OC (we were lucky!)---David and I checked in to the FABULOUS Pelican Hill Resort--my "home away from home"---while I hosted Friday night's festivities.

Welcome Yummy: The Welcome Spread, Pelican Hill Resort Newport Coast

The Pelican Hill
is UNBELIEVABLE! I knew it was going to be a good night when we walked into our Bungalow and found a delicious "Spread" of Chanti, bread, cheeses, and meats--as well as a lovely "Welcome to the Pelican Hill Resort" note form Managing Director Giuseppe Lama.

After a brief lunch poolside at the Coliseum Pool & Grill, overlooking the breathtaking 136 feet circular Coliseum Pool (above photo) it was time to head back to our Bungalow, so I could get ready!

The OC weather was just PERFECT for tonight's kick off Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave outdoors bash at the Irvine Spectrum Center. The scene had a Fashion Carnival ambiance with a fab stage, DJ Mike Bless spinning the tunes, and a sectioned off area for all guests to enjoy the party with the stunning lit-up Irvine Spectrum "Giant Wheel" overseeing everything.

The "Rack Rave" party included nine great Irvine Spectrum Center retailers: Macy's, Nordstrom, Target, Salvation, H&M, Max Studio, Forever 21, Kaitlyn and Active Ride Shop and Fuzziwigs Candy Factory. Each retailer had a tent/table where they featured clothing, accessories as well as fun games and prizes, Make-Up and Brow sessions, sandal "be-dazzling" and even some "Goodie Bags". Gorgeous models, representing each Rack Rave retailer came on stage , then took their position at each tent, showing the latest for Fall 2011:

Models showing the latest from Irvine Spectrum Center Retailers including: Macy's, Max Studio, H&M...

Salvation, Target, Nordstrom...

Forever 21, Kaitlyn, Active Ride Shop

A BIG HIT with the overflowing Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave crowd were the Fuzziwigs Candy Factory tables, set up front-and-center. Once the organizers pulled the ropes to allow guests into the Rack Rave area...EVERYONE ran to it as if Halloween was TOMORROW! Moms, dads, and kids of course. There seemed to be HUNDREDS of people lined up to get their candy!!

A BIG highlight for everyone attending was when I announced the Target Winners--I was jealous in that I think someone got themselves some Missoni for Target--and some cute stuffed Target Dogs (so cute!!) I even autographed one--I'm sure it's on Ebay right now!

Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave--The Blog Crush VIP section

But a BIG highlight for me--was meeting all the "Blog Crush" OC Bloggers who were in attendance in a roped-off VIP section of the party. After doing my MC duties and being, the "headmaster" of the Rack Rave fashion carnival (and trying to corral all them Candy-Loving guests!), I headed right to them:

OC Blog Love: Nick Verreos with the Blog Crush Ladies (Photo Courtesy of "Blog Crush")

Bloggers from the Orange County area were invited to cover this Style Week OC 2011 kick off party including Michelle Fryer of and Shel Cosmetics Blog, Heather Bandura of Sixty Minute Housewife, Lydia Poblano of The Vintage Mama , Marcy Taylor of Suburban Mama, Sonia Marsh of Gutsy Living/, Marcy Massura of and The Glamorous Life, Jennifer Klein of 3 Before 30, Lynzee Moore of, Suzanne Broughton of, Jami Rogers of This and That/, Amanda Elhaj of Amanda's Favs, Carrie Braun of Get Carried Away, and Lana Waggoner of . It was a major "Nick Love Fest" in that Blog Crush VIP section. Let's just say I was screamin' and sweatin' A LOT and having a blast with all of the ladies!

Afterward, I signed LOTS of autographs and took photos with lots of the Rack Rave attendees. I was SO happy to see so many "Project Runway" fans who came out for this party. I was especially surprised by how many very young fashionistas said that they were especially fans of Me and My Season!!! (I was like, "were you FIVE when it aired??"LOL!). It was a FABULOUS event and in addition, a very successful Kick Off to Style Week OC 2011.

Model Love: Model Lauren Gish (one of my NIKOLAKI website Divas!) and Nick Verreos, Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave, Irvine Spectrum Center

OC Style: Nick Verreos with two very styling OC Fashionistas, Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave, Irvine Spectrum Center

NIKOLAKI Duo: David Paul and Nick Verreos, Style Week OC 2011 Rack Rave, Irvine Spectrum Center

And Don't Forget: I'll be back to the OC NEXT Friday--when I host Close out the week with Runway Glam Slam featuring the Cadillac: Contemporary Design Fashion Show and LOTS, lots more. I can't wait!

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